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Crowdfunding Could Brighten Michigan’s Clouded Solar Future

Solar Power | February 24, 2015 | By Jim Dulzo

Want to invest in a hot technology, earn a decent rate of return, create Michigan jobs, and battle climate change—all at the same time? Thanks to an innovative state law that allows “crowdfunded” investments by state residents in new or existing businesse...

Say ‘Yah’ to da U.P.’s Sunshine, eh?

Solar Power | September 29, 2014 | By Jim Dulzo

Abhilash Kantamneni, a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Michigan Technological University, has an unexpected, spot-on message for Michiganders living in the cold, snowy, and, when it comes to energy costs, pricey Upper Peninsula: There is a large, u...

Special Report: Putting Solar Power to Work in Michigan

Solar power | July 25, 2014 | By Jim Dulzo

Michigan is far behind other states in generating solar power. But it’s hardly a cloud-cover problem: After all, solar is soaring in states no sunnier than ours. What Michigan has is a solar policy problem. A “solar work group,” composed of MPSC staff, ut...

DTE and Consumers: Time to Let the Sun Shine In

Solar power | July 23, 2014 | By Jim Dulzo

What if a profitable monopoly with an unshakable grip on its customers refused all pleas to establish a program that, cost free, would create lots of good jobs in Michigan and aid the rise of a crucial global industry here? That’s Michigan’s situation, th...

No Consensus on Pay Rates for Rooftop Solar Electricity

Solar power | July 23, 2014 | By Jim Dulzo

Four months of meetings have failed to produce an agreement among state regulators, solar energy advocates, and the state’s top two utilities about expanding the companies’ highly popular customer-owned rooftop solar programs....

MPSC Releases Draft Report on Solar Working Group

Solar power | June 14, 2014 | By Jim Dulzo

Solar advocates and staff from Michigan’s two largest utilities are mulling over a draft report that suggests ways the state could start catching up with the nation’s accelerating, jobs-rich boom in roof-top solar energy without raising customers’ rates s...

Solar Installers Sound Off on DTE, Consumers Programs

Solar power | April 8, 2014 | By Jim Dulzo

Five years ago, when DTE Energy and Consumers Energy launched small pilot programs offering premium rates to customers for power from their solar panels, Oak Electric and Four Elements Energy became very busy installing solar systems on homes and small bu...

Michigan Land Use Institute

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