MLUI / News & Views / Articles from 1995 to 2012 / As the Supply of Local Food Expands It’s Energizing Neighborhoods and Young People
As the Supply of Local Food Expands It’s Energizing Neighborhoods and Young People
As the Supply of Local Food Expands… Demand for local food is spurring a broad and diverse range of new, renewed, and expanded growing operations that are finding and building new markets. Those operations range from community gardens and smaller, subscription-based Community Supported Agriculture farms to all sizes of operations serving the growing number of farmers markets and wholesale distributors interested in local foods. Detroit’s Garden Resource Collaborative is a citywide network of some 320 backyard gardens, 160 community gardens, and 40 school gardens all working together to energize neighborhoods and support opportunities for young people to build life skills. The Collaborative provides seeds, tools, and training and unites people from all corners of the city with workshops and events. They even have a collaborative business venture: Every week Network gardeners young and old are at farmers markets in the city selling food they’ve grown themselves under their common “Grown in Detroit” label. They made more than $11,000 in 2008, after grossing just $800 three years ago at their start. “More and more we’re also breaking into the retail market,” said Ashley Atkinson, director of urban agriculture with The Greening of Detroit, one of four organizations facilitating the Network. “You can go into restaurants here now and see ‘Grown in Detroit’ produce.” Learn more at
…It’s Energizing Neighborhoods and Young People