MLUI / News & Views / Articles from 1995 to 2012 / Benzie County Commission Candidates Respond to Michigan Land Use Institute Survey
Benzie County Commission Candidates Respond to Michigan Land Use Institute Survey
On August 5, 2008, voters in Benzie County will vote in a primary election to narrow the slate of candidates for a new board of county commissioners. With rapid population growth and aggressive residential and commercial development occurring in the county, it is crucial that voters clearly understand the positions of the candidates on land use issues. All of the candidates for the Benzie County Board of Commissioners were given the opportunity to answer the exact same five questions on important land use issues facing the county. Candidates were asked to limit their responses to 100 words. We have reprinted the responses of all candidates who returned completed surveys. Commission candidates were asked the following questions:
Click here To Find Your District Last Name District Party Roper
(This candidate did not answer)1 R Duddles-Berta
(This candidate did not answer)1 D Pitcher 2 R Casey 2 R Kiteley
(This candidate did not answer)2 D Hollenbeck
(This candidate did not answer)3 D Bayer 3 R Fite 3 D Damm 4 D Merrill
(This candidate did not answer)4 R Walterhouse
(This candidate did not answer)5 R Ralston
(This candidate did not answer)5 D Hubbell
(This candidate did not answer)6 R Kelley
(This candidate did not answer)6 R Smeltzer
(This candidate did not answer)7 R Tanner
(This candidate did not answer)7 D