Michigan Land Use Institute

MLUI / News & Views / Articles from 1995 to 2012 / Acknowlegements


April 27, 2006 |

May 2006

Going to Town: New Urbanism arrives in northwest Michigan was researched, written, and published by the Michigan Land Use Institute. It was made possible by a grant from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s Coastal Management Program, which is funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. Support was also provided by the sponsors listed on the back cover.

Reported and Written By:
Carolyn Kelly,
Associate Editor
Jim Lively, Northwest Michigan Program Director
Keith Schneider, Editor
Nate Scramlin, Research Assistant
Rob Wooley,
Smart Growth Policy Specialist

Edited By: Jim Dulzo, Managing Editor

Designed By: Gail Dennis, Design and Marketing Director

Statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.

Michigan Land Use Institute
Grand Traverse County office
1200 W. Eleventh St., Suite 208
Traverse City, MI 49684-3289
TEL: 231-941-6584
With additional offices in Benzie County, Emmet County, Lansing, and Grand Rapids

Cover Photo: Three-year-old Jack Lankford at neighborhood park in Traverse City.

Printed on recycled paper, minimun 40% post-consumer waste, bleached without chorine, using low-VOC soy ink. Please recycle or pass along to a friend.

Michigan Land Use Institute

148 E. Front Street, Suite 301
Traverse City, MI 49684-5725
p (231) 941-6584 
e comments@mlui.org