MLUI / News & Views / Articles from 1995 to 2012 / Sources
A Changing Great Lakes Economy, State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference Working Paper, October 1994 Aging Water Pipes Leak $23 million a Year, John Bebow, The Detroit News, July 22, 2002 Agricultural Biogas Casebook, Council of Great lakes Governors, September 2002 A New Kind of Water Park, Andy Guy, Great Lakes Bulletin News Service, April 1, 2004 An Overall Strategy and Indicators for Measuring Progress are Needed to Better Achieve Restoration Goals, United States General Accounting Office, April 2003 Arizona Water Management: Keeping the Glass Full, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, November 2004 Biotechnology and Water Security in the 21st Century, World Commission on Water for the 21st Century, February 1999 Chicago’s Water Agenda, City of Chicago, 2003 Clean Corporate Citizen Program Progress Report The Building Years: 1997-2003, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Clean Water Main Ingredient in Mayors’ Recipes for Success, Dan Egan, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 15, 2004 Cleveland Planners Unveil Vision For Lakefront, Tom Breckenridge, Cleveland Plain Dealer, May 20, 2004 Despite Abundance, New Talk about Limits, Keith Schneider, Great Lakes Bulletin News Service, October 24, 2002 Detroit to Raze Two Riverfront Cement Companies, R.J. King, The Detroit News, February 22, 2005 Developers Pitch Waterfront Project, Lisa Knapp, The Grand Rapids Press, April 3, 2002 Establishing the Global Enterprise for Water Technology, Global Enterprise for Water Technology Development Board, 2000 Flush With Pride, Andy Guy, Great Lakes Bulletin News Service, September 8, 2004 Genesee County May Bypass Detroit for Water, Jennifer Chambers, The Detroit News, August 13, 2002 GEWT Business Plan, Global Enterprise for Water Technology, March 18, 2002 Great Lakes, Great Legacy, Conservation Foundation and the Institute for Research and Public Policy, 1990 Greenway Plan a Step Closer, Gina Czark, Northwest Indiana Times, January 30, 2005 If You Develop the Riverwalk, They Will Come, Experts Predict, Karen Rauen, Green Bay Press-Gazette, October 13, 2004 Lake Michigan Shoreline Plan Meetings Begin, Jim Masters, Northwest Indiana Times, July 21, 2004 Lakefront Plan Will Challenge Clevelanders, Steve Litt, Cleveland Plain Dealer, March 14, 2004 Laketown Township/Allegan County Prudent and Feasible Alternative Study, Prein and Newhof, December 2001 Lawmaker Asks Five Cities to Prioritize Plans for Lakefront, Associated Press, Wabash Plain Dealer, January 31, 2005 Liquid Asset: Great Lakes Water Quality and Industry Needs, Great Lakes Commission, October 1992 Meet Michigan’s Clean Corporate Citizens, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, July 2004 Nestle Decision a Bipartisan Challenge, Keith Schneider, Great Lakes Bulletin News Service, December 4, 2003 Nusbaum Happy With Progress of Water Talks, Peter Rebhahn, Green Bay Press-Gazette, October 21, 2002 Opening Up the Lakeshore, Elizabeth Eaken, Northwest Indiana Times, October 29, 2003 Outer Suburbs Face Long-Range Water Challenge, Jeff Long, Chicago Tribune, July 17, 2002 Planning Group Seeks Water Supply Study, Scott Williams, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, November 17, 2002 Pollution Prevention: Making Sustainability a Reality, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, 2003 Practice of Low-Impact Development, National Association of Home Builders Research Center, July 2003 Revenue in Water Deal Estimated at $608,000, Corissa Jansen, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, June 14, 2002 Saving Water, Saving Dollars, Potomac Resources, Inc., April 1998 Shaping the Great Lakes Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; the Great Lakes Commission; Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University, October 1992 Swimming in Sewage, Natural Resources Defense Council, February 2004 The Citizens’ Agenda: An Action Plan to Protect the Great Lakes, Michigan Great Lakes Conservation Task Force, January 2002 The Great Lakes: An Environmental Atlas and Resource Book, United States Environmental Protection Agency and Government of Canada, 1995 The Great Lakes Economy — Looking North and South, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Great Lakes Commission, April 1991 The Hannover Principles: Designs for Sustainability, William McDonough and Michael Braungart, 2003 Township Extending Water to New Areas, Nancy Stier, Muskegon Chronicle, August 29, 2002 Two Ports, Chris Sebastian, The Times Herald, December 19, 2004 Water for People, Water for Life, The United Nations World Water Development Report, March 2003 Water Resources for the Future, Michigan’s Great Lakes and Water Resources Planning Commission, September 1987 West Chicago Gushes Over New Water Plant, Harry Hitzeman, Daily Herald, January 18, 2005 Waukesha Seeking Lake Michigan Pipeline, Darryl Enriquez, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, August 22, 2003