MLUI / News & Views / Articles from 1995 to 2012 / What Detroiters Are Saying About a Powerful New Partnership
What Detroiters Are Saying About a Powerful New Partnership
“As Chair of the Michigan Legislative Black Caucus, I support the efforts of the Detroit Branch NAACP and the Michigan Land Use Institute. The two organizations have provided bold leadership and are on the forefront of the issues of urban revitalization and land use.” —Former State Representative Artina Tinsley-Hardman “I am excited by the energy created through the marriage of two powerhouses — NAACP Detroit Branch and the Michigan Land Use Institute. Starting the conversation about land use, transit, housing, and other Smart Growth issues among traditionally underserved and under-heard urban and minority residents is essential to our future.” —Colin Hubbell, The Hubbell Group “For 36 years Focus:HOPE has taken intelligent, practical action to overcome racism, poverty, and injustice. Because partnerships are so crucial to such goals, we applaud NAACP and the Michigan Land Use Institute for recognizing that affordable housing, quality public transportation, and racial harmony are keys to our future.” —Eleanor Josaitas, CEO “Our inner cities must have efficient land use policies for their economic development. These smart policies on affordable housing, public transportation, public safety, marketing, and communications must inform businesses, government, and the political process if Detroit, Highland Park, and Hamtramck are to succeed. The NAACP and the Michigan Land Use Institute are working to develop and promote such policies.” —Fred Durhal, Coordinator Understanding the historic push outward from Michigan’s cities and the challenge of revitalizing them is impossible unless we address race relations openly and honestly. I applaud the NAACP and Michigan Land Use Institute for encouraging a trust-building dialogue that enhances efforts to rebuild urban cores and foster regional cooperation.” —Paul Hillegonds, Executive Director
District 3, Michigan House of Representatives
Member, Michigan Land Use Leadership Council
Michigan Department of Economic Development
Detroit Renaissance, Inc.