MLUI / News & Views / Articles from 1995 to 2012 / A Chronicle of Dangerous Accidents
A Chronicle of Dangerous Accidents
A Chronicle of Dangerous Accidents
Power failure caused H2S emission; 11 people evacuated.
H2S gas leak. 100+ people evacuated. "Road closed" sign posted but construction workers entered, supervisor not allowed to enter and could not reach them by phone for 1 1/2 hours.
Reinjection of sour gas & valve failure caused H2S releases. Infant hospitalized twice & experienced ongoing problems. Family sued, settled before trial in 1989 for undisclosed amount.
Blown valve caused H2S vapor to shoot 50'-75' in air threatening explosion. Five families evacuated by industry; others near well not notified. Several families self-evacuated the next morning after awakening to a very strong smell. They experienced headaches and nausea.
During maintenance operation, crew intentionally released H2S. Poison gas filled a nearby home, injuring husband & wife who suffered severe burning of the eyes, difficulty breathing, and disorientation. Both sought medical treatment. Wife, whose hands and arms turned purple, was unable to continue working after incident.
Pipeline rupture caused release of H2S and brine contamination. One family evacuated; meters in house registered positive for H2S for 1 week; clean up of contaminated ground water and soil took 6 months.
Stuck valve caused H2S release. Michigan Consolidated Gas Company received 18 emergency calls complaining of odor, headaches, and difficulty breathing. Leak was corrected mid-morning after it was determined who owned the well.
Intentional release of H2S within 500 ft. of businesses. Emergency treatment of 12 people; undisclosed number of evacuations.
H2S release during replacement of above pipeline. Death of 25 calves; farmer had difficulty breathing and returning home.
H2S release during plugging of unsuccessful directional well. People experienced instantaneous nausea, headaches, and skin burn. Dogs vomited up to 1/2 mile away. Three people self-evacuated. Filer Township and citizens are contesting.
Undisclosed problem caused H2S release. Self-evacuations; people in same area as August 27, 1996 incident experienced headaches, breathing difficulties, and nausea.