MLUI / News & Views / Articles from 1995 to 2012 / Citizens’ Legislative Agenda on Oil and Gas
Citizens’ Legislative Agenda on Oil and Gas
Citizens Consider the following Issues to be of the Highest Priority:
March 18, 1997 | By Hans Voss
Great Lakes Bulletin News Service
On March 18, 1997, citizens from across Michigan will gather in Lansing. They are traveling to the State Capitol to educate lawmakers about the need to increase oversight and strengthen state management of oil and gas exploration and development. Citizens Consider the following Issues to be of the Highest Priority: I. Protect the Jordan Valley from oil and gas Development. II. Safeguard Public Health by Preventing oil and Gas wells contaminated with poisonous Hydrogen Sulfide in Residential and Commercial areas. III. Increase the authority of Local Governments to manage aspects of oil and gas development, including working with state agencies to locate industrial installations and reduce noise. IV. Provide severed rights property owners with much greater authority to decide how their land is used. V. Establish hydrocarbon development plans, and take other conservation-based land management measures to prevent 11 Sensitive watersheds in northern Michigan from being degraded by Antrim Natural Gas Development. VI. Establish a new resource-based impact fee to finance conservation planning and environmental restoration activities. VII. Establish new consumer protection measures to end unethical lease negotiation practices. For more information, please write or call Keith Schneider or Hans Voss at the Michigan Land Use Institute, P.O. Box 228, Benzonia, MI 49616. 616-882-4723