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MLUI Joins State Transportation Coalition
Diverse groups unite to transform Michigan’s transportation policy
May 13, 2011 |
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For Immediate Release
May 13, 2011
James Bruckbauer, Transportation Policy Specialist
Michigan Land Use Institute
Phone: 231-941-6584 • Fax: 231-929-0937
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Traverse City —The Michigan Land Use Institute has joined a coalition of 15 other organizations from across Michigan called “Trans4M”. The coalition’s goal is to transform transportation policy in Michigan and to advance a connected, convenient, and safe transportation system that links more frequent, reliable and affordable public transit to passenger rail service.
Other coalition partners include the Michigan Municipal League, Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Environmental Council, Community Economic Development Association of Michigan (CEDAM), Disability Advocates of Kent County, NAACP-Detroit, Transit Riders United, and the Michigan Association of Railroad Passengers.
“The Michigan Land Use Institute is pleased to join with these other organizations to advance state policies that support more walkable communities,” said Jim Lively, program director at MLUI. “We know that Michigan’s residents support more transportation options, from the clear public message of The Grand Vision in northwest Michigan to the steady voter support for transit millages across the state. This coalition will galvanize that support into meaningful policy change and ensure we invest in the citizen’s priorities.”
The coalition’s guiding principles describe more walkable and bikable communities that support complete streets. The principles also strongly support maintaining existing road and bridge infrastructure while making new investments in public transit and passenger rail.
The diversity of the coalition is encouraging to observers, given Michigan’s historically strong preference for building new freeways at the expense of needed maintenance and investment in public transit and walkable communities.
“Now more than ever we have to be strategic and smart with every dollar we invest,” said Rich Studley, chief executive officer of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce. “Maintaining our current roads and bridges and providing options for people who want to become less dependent on gasoline and personal vehicles are key strategic goals for our state.”
The Trans4M coalition is looking to add more new members to its initiative.
For more information about the Trans4M coalition, contact James Bruckbauer, MLUI transportation policy specialist
About the Institute
The Michigan Land Use Institute is an independent, nonprofit research, educational, and service organization founded in 1995. More than 3,000 households, businesses, and organizations have joined the Institute in support of its mission to establish an approach to economic development that strengthens communities, enhances opportunity, and protects Michigan's unmatched natural resources.