Michigan Land Use Institute

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Bar Great Lakes Leasing

September 13, 2001 | By Keith Schneider

Testimony of Keith Schneider, Program Director, Michigan Land Use Institute Before the Natural Resources Commission...

State Senate Committee Considers Risks to Great Lakes

September 12, 2001 | By Arlin Wasserman

Task force ushers in new era in state stewardship...

Citizens Defeat the Traverse City Bypass

August 24, 2001 | By Kelly Thayer

Institute and partners plan August 25 celebration on VASA Trail...

Michigan Gives Perrier Permission

August 20, 2001 | By Patty Cantrell

Lack of standards exposes state to thirsty markets...

Pushing His Party Over a Precipice

August 17, 2001 | By Keith Schneider

Michigan governor suffers series of setbacks on environment...

Message to Congress: Stop Sprawl. Create New Farm Markets

August 7, 2001 | By Patty Cantrell

Farm bill should spur local supply, not global surplus...

Natural Prosperity

August 1, 2001 | By Keith Schneider

Detroit teaches Michigan a lesson in natural economics...

Here’s How

August 1, 2001 | By Patty Cantrell

Michigan can keep its water clean with Smart Growth...

Guess What! Fake Wetlands Don’t Work

August 1, 2001 | By Keith Schneider

DEQ gives itself an “F” for oversight...

From the Field

August 1, 2001 | By Jim Lively

Out Front on South Fox Island...

Mobility Rules

July 31, 2001 | By Andy Guy

Like Detroit, Grand Rapids finally understands value of transit...

Take It to the River

July 23, 2001 | By Andy Guy

Grand Rapids rediscovers the Grand...

Great Lakes Supernova

July 12, 2001 | By Andy Guy

State environmental agency decision nears for Perrier...

Better by Design

July 11, 2001 | By Andy Guy

Grand Rapids embraces new planning principles...

The New Quality of Life Politics

July 2, 2001 | By Keith Schneider

Natural assets, community, key to competitiveness...

House Republican Task Force on Great Lakes Protection

July 1, 2001 | By Arlin Wasserman

testimony of Arlin S. Wasserman MPH MS Policy Specialist, Michigan Land Use Institute...

A Real Drilling: Nasty Party Fight Over Great Lakes Energy

June 21, 2001 | By Keith Schneider

Institute proposal for safe development rejected...

Hearings Set for South Fox Swap

June 1, 2001 | By Jim Lively

Public land debate approaches final stage...

How Long Can We Wait?

May 24, 2001 | By Andy Guy

Bus, rapid transit, planning will solve traffic woes in west Michigan...

Comprehensive Planning and Development of Oil and Gas Resources Beneath the Great Lakes

May 23, 2001 | By Hans Voss

A Process for DNR minerals management and interagency coordination...

Michigan Land Use Institute

148 E. Front Street, Suite 301
Traverse City, MI 49684-5725
p (231) 941-6584 
e comments@mlui.org