Search Results
September 28, 2005 | By Andy Guy
Citizens, business leaders to propose new path to mobility, prosperity...
Katrina exposes urgent need to fix America’s obsolete way of life...
September 2, 2005 | By Andy Guy
Restoration would spur long-range growth...
September 1, 2005 | By Rob Wooley
Petoskey citizens, officials eye federal funds for smart traffic planning...
Michigan reflects a growing national trend...
New opportunities for thousands of acres of farmland at risk...
More Americans can’t afford decent housing...
August 14, 2005 | By Andy Guy
New industry could help water supply and economic development...
August 10, 2005 | By Andy Guy
By saving water, Michigan companies discover new profits...
August 5, 2005 | By Andy Guy
Critics say new Great Lakes proposal retreats on public trust, industry responsibilities...
Supreme Court unanimously supports public’s right to walk Great Lakes beaches...
July 29, 2005 | By Andy Guy
So far, Great Lakes restoration has many friends, few dollars...
New approach makes sure urban redevelopment helps neighborhoods...
Farm-fresh foods build commerce, culture, community...
July 22, 2005 | By Andy Guy
Some farmers, business organizations soften resistance to water regulations...
Michigan Food Council aims to connect food, people, and jobs...
NAACP, Institute report lists Detroit’s top challenges, links them to fighting sprawl...
June 29, 2005 | By Andy Guy
Will $6 billion be enough for Great Lakes restoration?...
Continued budget reductions, federal delays threaten local transit...
FasTracks is foundation of new growth strategy...