Search Results
To compete, state must spend more on quality of life...
April 11, 2007 | By Julie Hay
Michigan short on innovative assistance...
Group builds on region’s success advocating for land and natural resources...
Side by Side at Unity Village...
With more than 1,700 local units of government, Michigan is not a state that readily embraces regional planning. Local control is fervently defended. No big government bureaucrat will tell us how to plan our communities....
March 21, 2007 | By Julie Hay
Californian finds both in Farmlink program...
I want to like Meijer. They are a Michigan-based company. They even sell fruits and vegetables grown by local farmers. But they flat-out refuse to respect Acme Township’s right to manage growth and maintain small-town character....
Incomparable Lake Michigan coastal treasure...
Agencies help aspiring growers find land, good advice...
March 9, 2007 | By Julie Hay
Immigrants, women change Michigan farming...
Nearly two years ago, 34 people, including yours truly, formed a new community group with a big mission: launch a Land Use and Transportation Study that would allow people in the Grand Traverse region to work together to figure out how they want the area ...
Employees, visitors flock to onsite farmers market...
You know that sinking feeling we get driving by our favorite orchard and seeing rows of new houses replacing cherry trees? Or when we shop at ugly, new, big-box stores for low prices even though we know we are helping to drive small, local stores out of b...
March 1, 2007 | By Andy Guy
Granholm should push feds to fund Great Lakes restoration...
February 28, 2007 | By Andy Guy
Florida’s huge restoration helps economy, too...
Officials cite efficiency, better planning as ways to cut greenhouse gases...
February 20, 2007 | By Julie Hay
Citizens envision a less road-weary future...
February 5, 2007 | By Julie Hay
Small communities need independent, conflict-free expertise for big projects...
January 26, 2007 | By Andy Guy
System also seeks funds to improve its service, add rapid buses...
Traverse City group recruits top team for ideas...