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Fundrise allows average people to invest in property development even if they lack the credibility and capital of a wealthy developer. For northern Michigan, it’s a tool that offers a fascinating new process for rebuilding our area’s village centers and r...
Last month’s Buses Without Borders event was a huge success! We heard terrific presentations from Vance Edwards, Kirk Steudle, Roger Millar, and Jay Flint. They talked about how reliable and efficient transit, when marketed well, can become a huge boost ...
Traverse Gourmet owners Norm and Cile Plumstead have pledged 1% of their business’s 2013 profits to the Michigan Land Use Institute. ...
Traffic congestion is one of northwest Michigan’s most contentious issues, and transportation officials continue to seek ways to alleviate congestion. On Feb. 24, MLUI’s “Buses Without Borders” forum laid out a strategy to make public transportation part ...
The only way agencies will capture everyday commuters and tourists is by offering an efficient express bus service that connects the region’s cities and villages to Traverse City regardless of county lines....
It’s been nearly 10 years since the “Grand Traverse Dinner Train” picked up passengers in Traverse City and led them through a three-hour tour of scenic northern Michigan. But a new study by the Michigan Land Use Institute is looking at a possible return ...
There’s a way for many summer travelers and busy delivery trucks to bypass Traverse City if they want to avoid the area’s busiest roads like Division, Grandview Parkway, and S. Airport Road. It’s a bypass that connects Chums Corner with the east side of T...
South Airport Road, the region’s main east-west route, is choked with industrial parks, strip-malls, fast food joints—and lots of cars. It’s a busy road for motorists, and dangerous for people who bus, bike or walk. But a series of small changes, like imp...
There are a few ways to improve flow so the parkway can better handle traffic and, at the same time, become safer for those who want to cross between downtown and the lake....
Improving Division is just one piece of a broad set of strategies to reduce congestion in the Traverse City area. Others strategies include improving Grandview Parkway and S. Airport Roads, upgrading Keystone and Beitner Roads; and making it easier for p...
Wow! It’s going to be a cold, snowy winter here in northern Michigan. All you regular bike or walk commuters may want to thaw out on a nice, warm bus this winter. Brrrr…
We also know we can’t build our way out of congestion. No city in the world has ever done this, and Traverse City will not be the first. But what we can do is this: Manage regional traffic and reduce in-town, peak-hour commuter traffic. We’ll explore thes...
Transportation costs in the Grand Traverse region are sky-high. In fact, the average family spends about $15,000 a year on transportation alone, according to the Center for Neighborhood Technology.
This fall, Traverse City Central High School senior Jacob Gerstner is interning with MLUI. He'll be doing some research and writing as part of his time with us. Here's a brief introduction in his own words. ...
The trends in transportation decision-making are clear: The criteria for measuring performance are becoming increasingly data driven, outcomes-based, and focus on preservation, long-term costs/benefits, and economic return. ...
Yesterday, members of the Transportation for Michigan coalition visited Traverse City to kick off a two-day quest to travel around the state using only bikes, buses, and trains. ...
Metro Airport officials in Detroit don’t think people want more transportation options to and from downtown. But, Detroit’s hotel and tourism officials disagree....
This short video compares how local officials typically think about return vs. the actual financial returns a project might provide....
Traffic problems take on new urgency during Traverse City’s busy season as too much congestion hampers business growth, wastes fuel, and hurts this area’s quality of life. But local leaders need to fix our existing transportation network first before purs...
One of nation’s largest road-building firms, HNTB, recently admitted something transportation advocates have argued for many years: “We can’t build our way out of traffic congestion.”...