Michigan Land Use Institute

Thriving Communities / Events / Event Articles / Antrim County: Local and County Government Work Session

Antrim County: Local and County Government Work Session



Lunch will be provided.


There’s no charge to attend, but please RSVP by September 17 to:
or call 231-946-5131


Download the flyer


When: Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013, from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

Where: Bellaire Senior Center

Elected and appointed government officials from local and county governments in Antrim County are invited to learn and participate in a Framework for Our Future: Local & County Government Work Session to:

► Learn about the results of recent local studies & surveys on housing, transportation, land use, & energy

► Discuss the ways local master plans are addressing Grand Vision principles and what that means to Antrim County

► Discuss and network with other local and county officials on local practices and approaches to housing, transportation, energy, and land use

Your input will be used in the development of the Framework for Our Future: Tools and Strategies for Supporting the Grand Vision.

What is the Framework?

Framework for Our Future: Tools & Strategies for Supporting the Grand Vision will provide tools, information, and resources for local governments, nonprofits, and other organizations working to meet local goals. With a focus on the inter-connected issues of transportation, housing, energy, and land use, the Framework will also include integrated discussion and strategies around arts and culture, workforce and economic development, community health, food and farming systems, and natural resources. Public and stakeholder input will be a cornerstone of the project. The Framework will also include a special emphasis on social equity, with efforts to reach out to those in poverty, disabled individuals, minorities, youth, and other populations that have traditionally been underrepresented in planning processes. When completed, the Framework will include resources for use by local governments, public agencies, nonprofits, and the private sector, including:

► Detailed reports on housing, energy, transportation, & land use

► Population, economic, housing, & other community data

► Background analyses & maps

► Review & analysis of local plans & policies

► Implementation Tools and Resources

► Surveys

► Case studies & best practices

For more information, please visit www.nwm.org/framework

Michigan Land Use Institute

148 E. Front Street, Suite 301
Traverse City, MI 49684-5725
p (231) 941-6584 
e comments@mlui.org