Michigan Land Use Institute

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MLUI is moving!

Organization to become Mississippi Land Use Institute

MLUI News | March 31, 2013 | By MLUI

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Taste the Local Difference to Produce Magazine with 'Traverse'

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Beginning April 1, we will be called the Mississippi Land Use Institute, with headquarters in Bobo, MS. We’ve already purchased a streamlined trailer to take advantage of the sunny, warm climate.

MLUI is packing up and heading south, leaving behind eight-month winters and the first part of our name.

Beginning today, April 1, we will be called the Mississippi Land Use Institute, with new headquarters in beautiful Bobo, MS. We’ve already purchased a streamlined trailer for our new office to take advantage of the sunny, warm climate – it’s outfitted with second-hand solar panels, which we expect to pay off in no more than 20 years.

“We love Michigan, but just not THAT much,” said Executive Director Hans Voss. “These winters have taken a toll on all of us. Just last week, a pothole literally swallowed up our program director Jim Lively who was riding his bike to work. His last words to us were – GET OUT!”

Mississippi was chosen not only for it's abundant sunshine and warm temps, but also so we can keep our MLUI swag.

It wasn't an easy decision to pull up roots, but it’s been welcomed by many in northern Michigan who had grown tired of MLUI’s efforts to support a clean environment and strong local economy.

“Finally, I can go to McDonald’s and order a burger made with foreign beef and out-of-state fries without the guilt,” said Jimmy Florette, of Traverse City. “Last time I tried that, Diane Conners was standing outside my car when I got back with a pamphlet about the benefits of local food. I mean, COME ON! It’s just a burger!”

Energy companies from out of state are already looking into building a new coal-fired power plant in town, right along the base Grand Traverse Bay.

“Phew. Good luck Mississippi coal-lovers,” said Rog Wellington, of Electrofun Power, who had a long-running battle with MLUI over the plant. “Kiss your ash goodbye.”

Voss said he’ll miss the few weeks of summer in Michigan, and he’s already planning a cross-country run back north in time for the Cherry Festival. But he’s not staying.

“Have you ever had local Koolickles?” he said of the famed Mississippi concoction—Kool-Aid-soaked pickles. “That alone is worth the move.” 



4341 days ago, 12:12pm | by ervin gunn | Report Comment

are you actually leaving (abandoning) michigan??

4341 days ago, 12:26pm | by Michigan Land Use Institute | Report Comment

Make sure you click on that last link, Ervin, to find out how this is going to work.

4341 days ago, 2:04pm | by Donna Jurovcik | Report Comment

Awe shucks! just applied for a job to clean your windows so we could see who you are. Mississippi! the river rats will get ya, maybe good idea too put trailer up onto a river barge ... staying close to the middle as you go up/down the river wondering where your roots are. (Michigan will not let you go!) Happy April Fool's day to you too!

4341 days ago, 9:11pm | by Jerry Burke | Report Comment

Goof ball. Come to Texas instead!

4331 days ago, 10:00pm | by "Bille Sue" | Report Comment

I live in Traverse City, but I'm originally from southern Mississippi, and it will always be my home. It becomes a bit annoying when I have to hear people at work constantly make fun of "rednecks", but that is expected, since I work in a restaurant. But to be honest, I am a bit surprised by the unprofessionalism portrayed in this article. Even though it was an April Fool's joke, it reeks of discrimination..("River rats"? Really?!)

4326 days ago, 10:06pm | by James Bruckbauer | Report Comment

Hi "Billie Sue"

I keep looking for any kind of discrimination in the article and I can't find it. Can you point it out for us?


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Michigan Land Use Institute

148 E. Front Street, Suite 301
Traverse City, MI 49684-5725
p (231) 941-6584 
e comments@mlui.org